
A Journey Through Trees

by Roger Deakin

Effortless and enchanting, Roger Deakin's Wildwood is unique in its weaving of encyclopedic appreciation for trees and personal anecdote. Simply if uncharitably put, Deakin looks into his navel and finds a forest. It's idosyncratic and beautiful, and you might find yourself checking prices on flights to southern Kyrgyzstan just to see if an actual lived experience can live up to his description of a walnut forest, or driving around Suffolk looking for his 400-year-old digs, or just wishing you could be half as observant as this writer, who spent a lifetime carefully looking around him and beautifully recording it. Give this amazing study of what he dubbed "the fifth element" (wood), a little time to take root, and something beatuiful will grow. Now you know!

Publisher: Free Press
Categories: Nature
Pages: 0
Publication Date: 2010-12-01
ISBN: 9781416595328