What to expect on this site

Here are six topics I plan to write about here.

The goal of this project to explore ideas about books, bookstores, and web technologies to bring them together. I have some long-simmering ideas to finish cooking and share with people. Here is what I expect to post about on this site.

I plan to write about the ways we encounter books we love and the* bookstores that facilitate those encounters*. It is worth exploring how our digital reading, searching and learning experiences fit into that conversation.

I'll also write extensively about how I am building this site from the ground up to test out new web technologies and appraise their usefulness, and figruing out a whole lot of new things along the way.

I'm also keen to share more about the concepts of learning in public and digital gardens, which underpin this project. There are related topics to explore, such as the indieweb and (more skeptically) web3, which touch on the idea of moving back to a de-centralized web which fosters more individual ownership and creativity.

This page was updated on 20 May 2022.

See the history of updates to this page.